If you’ve experienced a sports injury or common workout injuries like runners knee your main focus should be on recovering effectively. Massage therapy from Core Massage in Las Vegas can help! Massage therapy can help to decrease recovery time and stimulate your body to recover quickly. No two injuries are the same, however, but there are massage therapy techniques that can help with practically any case. Here are a few of the most common examples!
The Most Common Sports Injuries and How Massage Therapy Can Help
The Most Common Sports Injuries and How Massage Therapy Can Help

Strained or Sprained Shoulder
A shoulder sprain or strain is the result of experiencing an injury to the ligaments or the muscles in your shoulder, particularly those that connect the scapula, clavicle, and sternum. This is common with swimmers, football players, tennis players, and golfers. Massage therapy can utilize a few methods to help, including friction techniques to break down adhesions and scar tissue, a soft tissue release to ease tissue congestion, and deep tissue massage to release deep muscle fibers.

Ankle Sprains
A sudden twist or roll to the ankle can result in a sprain, and it’s commonly seen in football, soccer, basketball, skating, and more. Your massage therapist at Core Massage may utilize cross-friction massage to help prevent the formation of scar tissue, as well as a combination of cross-friction massage and calf massage to loosen muscles and increase the range of motion.

Injuries to the Knee Ligament
Your knee has four main ligaments, the ACL, PCL, MCL, and LCL. The most common of these ligaments to be injured during athletic activity, however, is the ACL, as it is prone to be overstretched or torn from sudden twisting motions. Cross-friction massage can help the ACL create appropriate scar tissue and heal, and whole-body therapeutic massage can have a profoundly positive psychological effect during recovery.

Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow, which is also called lateral epicondylitis, is a very common and often painful condition that results from repetitive movements. While frequently experienced by tennis players, it also affects those who play basketball, golf, or lift weights. Deep tissue massage can ease the symptoms of tennis elbow, and whole-body massage can kickstart recovery and reduce fatigue.
These are just a few of the common sports injuries we see at Core Massage. To learn more about how massage therapy can help, contact us today to schedule your appointment with our massage therapists!